The young man stood up! Many thoughts ran through my mind such as "Wow, dude is tall!" and "How fast can I call 911?"
It turned out he was just stretching his legs. Don and I discussed the encounter after and found we were thinking the same thing.
We met up with this couple who turned out to be postmodern Buddhists. Don tried for a while to reason with them using both logic and the Law, but I think he would have had more success nailing jello to a wall. They were very hard hearted.
We had a few more good conversations then decided to head home. On the way back I pulled out the giant money tract. A good fisherman must have various lures to catch fish, so a fisher for men must have a varied supply of Gospel tracts. I handed out about 100 of these in about 8 or 9 minutes. These young ladies passed me by, but then came back to get one. My prayer is that at least one of them will read the message on the back and God will save them.If you are a Christian I have a question for you, do you share your faith? Why or why not? Do you believe what the Bible says will happen when we die? You know, the part about being judged for every thought, word and deed. If you have been saved from the wrath that is to come upon all the unrighteous, please share the good news of the Gospel of Jesus Christ with those are not saved. Get trained, get some tracts, get going while we still have time.