John S, Chris and I went down to the Saline County Fair to share the Gospel today. This was a new fishing pond so we didn't know what to expect. The law enforcment agencies were there in abundance so we felt very safe.
We arrived and headed for the the midway to check things out. We were a little early so we had a chance to talk to some of the workers.
John S got into a conversation with the young lady at this booth and shortly engaged one of the men that walked up to him while he was there.
Here Chris engaged a group of young people about the Gospel, but they didn't want to talk much.

As the night went on the crowd started growing. John S and Chris engaged the youth as fast as they could. Many people proclaimed thier own goodness and that was how they were getting into heaven. By the end of the night there was a very large crowd and we were able to hand out many, many tracts.
Christians, do something for the Kingdom. Get out and share your faith. If you can't go to your local fair or some other event, find your avenue to share the good news. Put a tract in a bill when you send in your payment, write a letter to explain it to a loved one. Whatever you can do for the Lord, do it while you still have time.