We are a group of Christians in Central Arkansas that seek to glorify Christ Jesus, through the great commission of "Go ye into all the world, and preach the Gospel to every creature", by the public proclamation and discussion of the Gospel. Most weekends you can find us at the Rivermarket in downtown Little Rock. We will also travel to events in surrounding cities for an opportunity to reach a group of people with the Gospel. If you would like to join us, contact us. Bring some heart, bring some zeal, and lets exalt the Lord until He returns.


Welcome to the blogsite of Little Rock Street Evangelism. We have started work on http://www.lrstreetevangelism.com/ that will be providing some training resources for you or your church. So until we merge our blog with the new site, please be encouraged and challenged by the posts here. Pray for those on our prayer list. Most importantly of all, GO SHARE YOUR FAITH. May God bless you.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Going To The Saline County Fair

John S, Chris and I went down to the Saline County Fair to share the Gospel today. This was a new fishing pond so we didn't know what to expect. The law enforcment agencies were there in abundance so we felt very safe.

We arrived and headed for the the midway to check things out. We were a little early so we had a chance to talk to some of the workers.

John S got into a conversation with the young lady at this booth and shortly engaged one of the men that walked up to him while he was there.

Here Chris engaged a group of young people about the Gospel, but they didn't want to talk much.

As the night went on the crowd started growing. John S and Chris engaged the youth as fast as they could. Many people proclaimed thier own goodness and that was how they were getting into heaven. By the end of the night there was a very large crowd and we were able to hand out many, many tracts.
Christians, do something for the Kingdom. Get out and share your faith. If you can't go to your local fair or some other event, find your avenue to share the good news. Put a tract in a bill when you send in your payment, write a letter to explain it to a loved one. Whatever you can do for the Lord, do it while you still have time.

Monday, July 27, 2009

A Day At The Rivermarket

Don and I started out the day right next to the parking lot. We saw a few young men riding their bicycles nearby. Don headed over and gave them some tracts and started chatting with them. Two of them took off pretty quick when the Law came out but the other stayed and listened. They talked for a while and everything looked normal. But then........

The young man stood up! Many thoughts ran through my mind such as "Wow, dude is tall!" and "How fast can I call 911?"

It turned out he was just stretching his legs. Don and I discussed the encounter after and found we were thinking the same thing.

We met up with this couple who turned out to be postmodern Buddhists. Don tried for a while to reason with them using both logic and the Law, but I think he would have had more success nailing jello to a wall. They were very hard hearted.

We had a few more good conversations then decided to head home. On the way back I pulled out the giant money tract. A good fisherman must have various lures to catch fish, so a fisher for men must have a varied supply of Gospel tracts. I handed out about 100 of these in about 8 or 9 minutes. These young ladies passed me by, but then came back to get one. My prayer is that at least one of them will read the message on the back and God will save them.

If you are a Christian I have a question for you, do you share your faith? Why or why not? Do you believe what the Bible says will happen when we die? You know, the part about being judged for every thought, word and deed. If you have been saved from the wrath that is to come upon all the unrighteous, please share the good news of the Gospel of Jesus Christ with those are not saved. Get trained, get some tracts, get going while we still have time.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Riverfest Outreach

Riverfest is held every year in Little Rock down at Riverfront Park. Thousands of people turned out to enjoy the food, music and depravity..... so we had our mission! Over the 3 day event John, Chris, Denise, John S, Josh, Don and Larry R handed out thousands of tracts and had many one-to-one conversations. Saturday was also the day that Project Ezra challenged us to read the Sermon on the Mount in the open-air.

Friday night Chris got into several conversations. Here he is chatting with some men outside the park. Denise, Chris and I stayed well into the night handing out tracts once the concerts were finished.

Bright and early Saturday morning Don joined us and wasted no time getting tracts into people's hands. Don and I went through the park handing out a few tracts and conversing as we went.

We continued witnessing as the day passed keeping an eye on the time. We were going to meet outside the main gate for our Project Ezra challenge.

Josh and John S joined us about 4pm. Josh took a moment to open-air near the trolley stop.

We setup outside the main gate, prayed and got started. Josh started us off reading Matthew 5, then Larry R stepped up on the box for the first time and read Matthew 6.

When Larry finished I stepped up and read Matthew 7, trying to be as loud as I could so that perhaps a crowd might gather to hear us.

When I finished Don got up and preached the Law and the Gospel.

Josh got up again and engaged some kids with the "good person" test. They didn't pass.

Denise and John S continued passing out tracts while the open-air was going on.

By the end of the day many people received tracts and many tossed them into the trash. There was so much depravity there. Many were drunk, many women dressed in less than the sleep in and they were all going about it like nothing was wrong. It is a sad thing to look out into this crowd and realize that the vast majority will die and go to hell. Get out and share your faith while we have the time. Perhaps someone you speak to or hand a tracts to will be saved.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Mickey Mouse, Blues and Art

The past couple of weeks have been very busy. New fishers of men were added to the team, old ones were stirred anew and the Gospel was heard by many.

Disney On Ice came to the Alltel Arena April 22nd-26th. Different groups covered each night and engaged the people as they arrived.

On the 23rd we stationed ourselves where three walkways merged so most people funneled right by us. Larry handed this dad a "Million Bucks."

Denise gives a tract to mom.

Almost every time mom or dad took a tract the kids wanted one too. Some of the kids even came back to get one from us. Maybe they'll ask their parents to explain what they say.

Don brought his minivangelist Emily down to the Rivermarket on the 25th. She wasn't shy about passing out Gospel tracts. The Farmers Market is now open so there will be large crowds for a while. We passed out many tracts and talked to several people and found out that there was a blues concert going on at the amphitheater today.

We headed over to the amphitheater entrance and found a long line forming. We handed out several tracts to those waiting in line as they listened to an announcement about needing an armband to get in to the show. Don dropped his pack and hopped up on a bench and proceeded to tell the people about God's "armband", the blood of Jesus.

Scripture says that at the name of Jesus every knee shall bow, it will also stir up a hornets nest. It turns out that the bench Don stood on was right next to the booth of a woman that adamantly refused a Gospel tract. It took her about a heartbeat to get in Don's face and let her feelings be know. That just encouraged him more. Many people applauded when he was finished.

Friday night, May 1st, rolled around and we went down to the Collaboration of the Arts event at the Rivermarket. Larry R and Chris joined us tonight for the first time. We also met up with another group that was there for some evangelism.

Jimmy, Don, Larry R and Chris discuss the events of the evening. We had several one to one conversations tonight. Being out at night brought us in contact with a different group of people but, the message they needed to hear remained the same.

Overall we handed out thousands of tracts and shared the Gospel with many people. I am in awe at how God continues to open the door for evangelism. With lawmakers trying to enact new laws in this country to hinder freedom of speech, it will become more difficult to preach sin, righteousness and judgment. If you are a Christian you know the cure to the worst disease known to mankind...death. Thousands die everyday and most of them will be going to hell. Find a way to share the life giving Gospel of Jesus Christ. Don't be like a firefighter that is affraid to offend someone by kicking in their door to pull them from a burning house. Kick in their door and pluck them from the flames of hell.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

We Did Something

The weather was warm, the sun was shining and the fishing hole was jumping with activity. I could just tell that all these people just couldn't wait to here the Gospel... Well some couldn't wait, the others were going to hear it anyway!

Denise witnessed to this guy riding his bicycle down the sidewalk. I'm glad he stopped to talk, Denise would have tackled him if he hadn't.

There were several more vendors set up today than normal. Hopefully as the weather warms up so will the fishing.

Denise got to witness to this couple behind the farmers market. There were a lot of groups out today, many families.

John S joined us again today. He stationed himself at one of the intersections and witnessed to people as they tried to walk passed him.

Here Larry and John S. witnessed to some folks as they were crossing the street.

John S. started up a conversation with this young man. He was an Egyptian believer that was in town visiting. He attends ASU in Jonesboro. He told us that he was active in evangelism at his school. We had a good talk about how to reach those who follow Islam.

God allowed us to have a good day today. We witnessed to many people and handed out a lot of tracts. I was able to share some evangelism resources with a few people including a pastor from Russellville and a youth pastor from New York. It still amazes me that so many people don't know the Gospel. I'm not just talking the about the unchurched, I'm referring to professing Christians as well. If you have the chance to share the Gospel with someone, please make sure it is the true Gospel of Jesus Christ and not a man made version. Study the scriptures to see what the truth is. There are people out there who don't have enough knowledge to go to heaven, but have enough sin to go to hell. Charles Spurgeon said this with regard to winning the lost: "Brethren, do something; do something, do something!" So today I echo the prince of preachers and say, DO SOMETHING!

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Into The Lions' Den

This weekend the team walked into the lions' den. The spring "Diversity Weekend" was held in Eureka Springs on April 4th. With Gospel preaching and angry listeners this event could get rough in a hurry.

There were a large number of people there and the crowd was growing. Many people from all walks of life. They were all very "diverse".

When we arrived several others were already there and had set up a prayer station.

People from Missouri, Born of Him Ministries, the Jericho Riders, and various other places in Arkansas came together to proclaim the Gospel. It wasn't long before the opposition started. There was a band setting up to play and they told us we couldn’t be there. A few moments later the "Special Events Director" for the City told us we had to leave the park. Brad St Clair happened to be recording at that moment. This is the transcript of the conversation. (Thanks Brad)
Eric Young: Ummm, who is in charge of this?
Brad St. Clair: I am.
Eric: Okay, I'm gonna...I afraid you're gonna have to remove it out of the park.
Kevin Thompson: Actually, we don't.
Eric: Actually you do because I'm the Special Events Director for Eureka Springs, and I have a permit for the entire park from now until the end of...
Kevin: We talked to Parks and Recreation and he said we're fine...
Eric: Nope
Brad: We talked to the police, and he said if anybody has a problem with it to call him and then he'll...
Eric: I have a problem with it, let me go find him.
Brad: Okay, call the police.

When the police arrived they informed Eric that we were not breaking the law, but they did ask us to move the table over about 10 feet. We moved the table, had some prayer, and began the work.

There were several open air preachers ready to go. Greg stepped up first to preach the Gospel and the crowd got loud. They didn’t want to hear anything we had to say. They were playing music, shouting and the like. It was very hard to be heard over there noise.

Denise started a conversation with a man sitting on a nearby bench and got to share the Gospel with him and his partner.

Don was the second one up on the box. He lifted his voice as high as he could and preached the Gospel. Compassion for lost souls could be heard if one would only listen. About six men stepped up to preach through out the day.

As the open air continued a fiddler came over to play near us. He tried his best to interfere with the preaching. After a few hours of hearing the Gospel he finally approached Don and said that he was sorry. Don sat down and had a long conversation with him.

While the open air was going on, a few of us took off up and down the street to hand out some Gospel tracts. Most people took the tracts but there were a few that didn’t want to have anything to do with us, or that "Jesus stuff" we were handing out. One man got very angry that I even wanted to speak to him. There was so much hate and anger there.

As Brad was preaching, a man came and stood in front of him with a sign that said, "Don't feed the FUNDIES! Ignore them! Don't give them the attention they so desperately want!"

By the end of the day Don had that same man on a park bench explaining the Gospel to him.

Several times the people tried to block the open air preacher. Each time they would get into our "comfort zone" the police sent them back to their own spot across the park.

Don chased down a man that was carrying another sign and witnessed to him. He was a Gospel machine today.

Jeff, in the purple shirt, got into a good witness encounter.
We decided to wrap things up and head out after a few hours of open air and one to one witnessing. We paused for a group picture then we hit the road for home.This weekend was definitely a new experience. There were new objections and new fears. We did learn a lot though.

Maybe you couldn’t go to a place like this to share your faith. Maybe you are terrified to talk to a total stranger about Jesus Christ. If this isn’t your cup of tea, what is? What are you doing to further the Kingdom of God. When was the last time you shared the Gospel with anyone. Think of someone you know that is not born again. If they were to die in their sins where would they go? Sharing the Gospel with someone is scary, but the discomfort you will feel is nothing compared to what the lost will receive on the other side. Reach out to the lost wherever you can while you still have time.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Bits and Pieces

We started out today handing out some tracts and looking for someone to witness to. There is normally many people walking about by themselves or in couples. Today most people were in groups of three or more. It took a little while before the fish started to bite, but as the temp warmed up so did the fishing. John S and Josh joined us for a while today.

Denise witnessed to a young couple waiting for a concert to start. The young man wasn't to sure about things, but the girl was rock solid. Maybe this will give her an opportunity to witness to him later.

Josh had a good conversation with this group. One was a Southern Baptist and one was Church of Christ. The others didn't say much and took off as soon as the Law came out.

The two Christians jousted a little with Josh and didn't seem to be convicted in any way. The woman that stuck around looked like the Law was doing its work very well. Josh did a thorough job of explaining the plan of salvation.

On the way back to the car we scattered a few parking ticket tracts around the area. There will be a few hearts beating fast over these. It might even get someone's attention enough to consider the message on the back.

We had many good conversations today. Many times while talking to someone, someone else would walk up and listen too. Most people we spoke with today had never really heard the whole story about what Jesus came to do. They understood bits and pieces but never had it explained to them where it made sense.
It is sad that someone can live in America with a church building on every corner and never hear the Gospel. Christian can you explain the plan of salvation? Can you tell someone the whole story and not just bits and pieces? The time for Jesus to return is coming quickly. Do you know anyone who is lost? Do you care? This is the hard question. Do you care enough to do something about it?? Preach the Word and tell the story before it's to late.