We split up and went to work. I took Meagen the camera daughter with me. We quickly handed out several million dollar bill tracts to the basketball fans. Some were given to celebrate their teams victory and some as a consolation prize for a loss. Most folks were glad to get one and many asked for more.

I met up with Bridgette and her two daughters walking down by the river. She said that she was a Christian. When someone professes to be a believer I always try to ask them how to become one myself. I'll ask them "If I were to come to you and say, I know I'm not right with God what can I do to go to Heaven when I die?" It took a few more questions, but she was able to tell me.
She said that she just tries to "live the life" as a witness to her unsaved friends. I asked her what would happen while she was "living the life" and her friend died before she told them the Gospel. The look on her face says it all.
We had a long talk about how to share her faith with the unsaved. During the conversation her two daughters heard the Law and the Gospel very clearly. Perhaps that seed will take root.
Vincent was full of, of..... Well he was just full. He knew that salvation was through repentance and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. He also told me that he believed some people could be saved and not even know it. Hmm, we had a good little talk too.
I spotted Denise talking with Mike. He was sitting way off by himself. Denise just couldn't resist. Bullseye! Mike is going through some things right now that she could minister to. She seems to be drawn to those who are hurting. Please pray for Mike.
Anthony was in town to see Auburn play, just minding his own business when some crazy guy hands his wife and friends million dollar bills. She read the back of the tract out loud. He then turned and chased me down. GULP! It turns out that he is a Sunday school teacher. He said that he liked the tract and what we were out doing. I gave him a CD of Hell's Best Kept Secret and pointed him to some other evangelism resources.
I talked with Symara for a little while. She is the daughter of a minister and wanted another tract to take back to her father. She was interested in how I shared the Gospel because she had never heard it put that way. Perhaps another seed got planted today.
Denise gave Willy a tract and started to witness to him. He said he wasn't interested in hearing that stuff. She left the tract and started to walk. Amazing things happen when God is involved. He read the back of the tract and called Denise back to talk. Thirty minutes later he shook her hand and thanked her.
We had good day, passing out a lot tracts, witnessing to several people, just enjoying the work for the Lord. One thing bothers me though. Almost everyone I spoke with who claimed to be a Christian couldn't tell me how to become one. If I asked a plumber what I had to do to become a plumber, I would think that if he really is a plumber he should be able to tell me. Christian, can you tell someone how to become a Christian? If not how can you be sure that you are one.
Paul says to examine ourselves to see if we are in the faith. Examine yourself, get trained how to share your faith, and seek the lost while we still have time. When the trumpet sounds we're done!
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