We split up and mingled through the crowd, ambushing unsuspecting folks with millions of dollars in bailout money. Our favorite tract is the Million Dollar Bill from LivingWaters.com. Several people wanted more than one to give to their friends. We use Gospel tracts as ice breakers to start up a spiritual conversation with people. This tract has the million dollar question on the back, "Will you go to Heaven when you die?" It allows us to bring up the things of God without being offensive.

Most of the people that were there early were the contestants themselves and were very busy. A lot of folks that weren't busy were huddled under tents to avoid the light rain that was falling. John S managed to witnessed to one of the contestants as he was waiting on his meat to cook.

Josh got to witness to two young men when the stepped under the tent to stay dry.

Larry and Denise had the pleasure to witness to Tom. Tom said that he was a Cherokee, a Christian, and that he believed that most other religions would lead to God. He carries a staff "like Moses" with crystals and other thing mounted on it. He had a booth set up with healing crystals and the like. They had an interesting conversation with him. Please pray.

John S and Josh talked with Jose and his friends about their eternal destiny. They listened to them share the things of God very intently. Jose, with the blue hat on, was very open to the Gospel.

This is a picture I took to remind me of Sara. She is a waitress in one of the restaurants downtown. When I asked her if she would go to heaven when she died she said that she hoped she would, because she was a "good person". I shared with her what the Bible's standard for good was and she saw that compared to that standard she wasn't. I was able to share part of the Good News with her but, she "had to go now." It is frustrating when you only get to share part of the message with someone. God is sovereign though. He can arrange it so that Sara can her the rest of the Good News.

As I was speaking to Sara, Larry started up a conversation with Michael and Dennis. As usual Larry used a tract to break the ice with them. When Dennis asked what it was and Larry told him, he said "I'm an agnostic", gave it back to Larry and left the scene. Michael stayed and heard the Law and the Gospel. Later Denise ran into Dennis and got to witness to him.

We wrapped up the day with a group picture (Larry, Denise, John, Jimmy). We said good bye to Josh & John S and headed for the cars passing out a few more tracts along the way. Most of the time we don't see any fruit from our labor but, sometimes the Lord allows you to see something to build up your faith. We were in the car about to leave and He let us see something awesome.

We were sitting in the car discussing the day and saw a family walking down the sidewalk. The father bent down and picked up something off the ground. It was a million dollar bill tract that "somehow" found its way into their path. He showed it to his family and as they walked down the street he was reading it out loud. What an awesome God we serve.
We passed out quite a few tracts and had several one to one witnessing opportunities. Most everyone we talked to today thought that they were going to Heaven because they were a good person. The Bible is very clear that "there is none good except for God." 2 Corinthians 7:10 says "For godly sorrow produces repentance leading to salvation, not to be regretted; but the sorrow of the world produces death". Until someone recognizes that they are not a good person working their way to Heaven, but a sinner condemned to hell in need of a Savior, they will never throw themselves at the foot of the Cross in repentance and cry out "Lord forgive me!" Get trained how to share your faith, and seek the lost while we still have time.
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