The past couple of weeks have been very busy. New fishers of men were added to the team, old ones were stirred anew and the Gospel was heard by many.

Disney On Ice came to the Alltel Arena April 22nd-26th. Different groups covered each night and engaged the people as they arrived.

On the 23rd we stationed ourselves where three walkways merged so most people funneled right by us. Larry handed this dad a "Million Bucks."

Denise gives a tract to mom.

Almost every time mom or dad took a tract the kids wanted one too. Some of the kids even came back to get one from us. Maybe they'll ask their parents to explain what they say.

Don brought his minivangelist Emily down to the Rivermarket on the 25th. She wasn't shy about passing out Gospel tracts. The Farmers Market is now open so there will be large crowds for a while. We passed out many tracts and talked to several people and found out that there was a blues concert going on at the amphitheater today.

We headed over to the amphitheater entrance and found a long line forming. We handed out several tracts to those waiting in line as they listened to an announcement about needing an armband to get in to the show. Don dropped his pack and hopped up on a bench and proceeded to tell the people about God's "armband", the blood of Jesus.

Scripture says that at the name of Jesus every knee shall bow, it will also stir up a hornets nest. It turns out that the bench Don stood on was right next to the booth of a woman that adamantly refused a Gospel tract. It took her about a heartbeat to get in Don's face and let her feelings be know. That just encouraged him more. Many people applauded when he was finished.

Friday night, May 1st, rolled around and we went down to the Collaboration of the Arts event at the Rivermarket. Larry R and Chris joined us tonight for the first time. We also met up with another group that was there for some evangelism.

Jimmy, Don, Larry R and Chris discuss the events of the evening. We had several one to one conversations tonight. Being out at night brought us in contact with a different group of people but, the message they needed to hear remained the same.
Overall we handed out thousands of tracts and shared the Gospel with many people. I am in awe at how God continues to open the door for evangelism. With lawmakers trying to enact new laws in this country to hinder freedom of speech, it will become more difficult to preach sin, righteousness and judgment. If you are a Christian you know the cure to the worst disease known to mankind...death. Thousands die everyday and most of them will be going to hell. Find a way to share the life giving Gospel of Jesus Christ. Don't be like a firefighter that is affraid to offend someone by kicking in their door to pull them from a burning house. Kick in their door and pluck them from the flames of hell.
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