We are a group of Christians in Central Arkansas that seek to glorify Christ Jesus, through the great commission of "Go ye into all the world, and preach the Gospel to every creature", by the public proclamation and discussion of the Gospel. Most weekends you can find us at the Rivermarket in downtown Little Rock. We will also travel to events in surrounding cities for an opportunity to reach a group of people with the Gospel. If you would like to join us, contact us. Bring some heart, bring some zeal, and lets exalt the Lord until He returns.


Welcome to the blogsite of Little Rock Street Evangelism. We have started work on http://www.lrstreetevangelism.com/ that will be providing some training resources for you or your church. So until we merge our blog with the new site, please be encouraged and challenged by the posts here. Pray for those on our prayer list. Most importantly of all, GO SHARE YOUR FAITH. May God bless you.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Riverfest Outreach

Riverfest is held every year in Little Rock down at Riverfront Park. Thousands of people turned out to enjoy the food, music and depravity..... so we had our mission! Over the 3 day event John, Chris, Denise, John S, Josh, Don and Larry R handed out thousands of tracts and had many one-to-one conversations. Saturday was also the day that Project Ezra challenged us to read the Sermon on the Mount in the open-air.

Friday night Chris got into several conversations. Here he is chatting with some men outside the park. Denise, Chris and I stayed well into the night handing out tracts once the concerts were finished.

Bright and early Saturday morning Don joined us and wasted no time getting tracts into people's hands. Don and I went through the park handing out a few tracts and conversing as we went.

We continued witnessing as the day passed keeping an eye on the time. We were going to meet outside the main gate for our Project Ezra challenge.

Josh and John S joined us about 4pm. Josh took a moment to open-air near the trolley stop.

We setup outside the main gate, prayed and got started. Josh started us off reading Matthew 5, then Larry R stepped up on the box for the first time and read Matthew 6.

When Larry finished I stepped up and read Matthew 7, trying to be as loud as I could so that perhaps a crowd might gather to hear us.

When I finished Don got up and preached the Law and the Gospel.

Josh got up again and engaged some kids with the "good person" test. They didn't pass.

Denise and John S continued passing out tracts while the open-air was going on.

By the end of the day many people received tracts and many tossed them into the trash. There was so much depravity there. Many were drunk, many women dressed in less than the sleep in and they were all going about it like nothing was wrong. It is a sad thing to look out into this crowd and realize that the vast majority will die and go to hell. Get out and share your faith while we have the time. Perhaps someone you speak to or hand a tracts to will be saved.

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